University of Florida freshman quarterback charged with child pornography

University of Florida freshman quarterback Jalen Kitna has been charged with possession of child pornography. Mr. Kitna is presumed innocent until and if proven guilty in court.

Tragically, there are real victims in child pornography. Somewhere real children are being used. Almost hard to imagine but it's true. I see child pornography possession cases in my practice. I see men who typically have no criminal record finding themselves charged with possession of child pornography. Usually, most come about in a similar manner as Mr. Kitna's allegedly did, a cyber tip leading to a search warrant leading to devices being seized and searched. These are typically good men that are almost lured into viewing and possessing child pornography. No one forced them however. The Internet Crimes Against Children task force is an effective law enforcement development to battle and curtail child pornography. Unfortunately, is typically just those possessing and sharing child pornography who are charged and not the ones actually producing it. Hopefully as more law enforcement tools and resources are developed, the ones victimizing these precious innocent children can be identified and prosecuted, and these children rescued.


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